I know I'm in my own little world, but it's OK.
They know me here...


Thursday, August 22, 2013

RWNew Zealand conference!

I hadn't planned on going to "A Capital Affair", the Romance Writers of New Zealand conference this year (not with RWAmerica & RWAustralia - the budget didn't stretch quite far enough to do three conferences) but some wonderful people on the RWNZ conference committee decided to invite me as a workshop presenter this year and I accepted.

So the stars & planets aligned and I'm winging my way over to Wellington, New Zealand tomorrow!

My wonderful BILD friends - the Book-in-50-Days loop!

Not only will I get to catch up with a whole host of wonderful Kiwi friends but I'm uber-excited to be presenting two workshops and moderating an author panel.

* Following the Yellow Brick Road: The Journey to Publication Panel (Kylie Griffin, Nalini Singh, Yvonne Lindsay, Louisa George, Catherine Robertson) - if you're attending this is your chance to ask anything and everything of 5 authors about the industry & business of being a published author. There's no question too silly!

* The Rip-Tide of Social Media - I'm sharing my experiences in using various forms of social media and offering tips on how to best utilise it.

* Welcome to My Worlds:Paranormal & World-Building - a look at world-building and writing paranormal romances.

The crowd at conference!

Will I see you there?

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